How Does Competency Training Work?

Competency-Based Education—Fast Track Training for the Today’s Student
The majority of college students today are non-traditional students—they are in their 20’s, working, and have families. These savvy 21st-century consumers need and expect an education that is tailored to their individual needs. More than ever, a specific skill is key to a better job and better earnings so an increasing number of people are returning to school to pick up additional disciplines. One of the most promising innovations in higher education is competency-based education.
What is Competency-Based Education?
Competency-Based Education (CBE) measures learning rather than “clock hours” which allows students to advance as soon as they can demonstrate achieved mastery in a skill. All students come to school with varying levels of knowledge and very different learning styles; CBE lets them move quickly through what they already know so they can focus on the things they still need to learn. Executed effectively, CBE can result in lower costs for students, a higher level of student support, and shorter times to graduation. Competency-based education is becoming increasingly popular today, with Beau Monde Academy pioneering competency education in the cosmetology field.
How Does Competency-Based Education Work at Beau Monde Academy?
Competencies, properly selected and well-defined, are the foundation of a competency-based program. Competencies are the knowledge and skills you must be able to demonstrate to pass a program, and ultimately, earn a license. Working with licensed instructors to define these competencies, Beau Monde Academy ensures you acquire the skills you need to be prepared for a career in Cosmetology.
Programs / Accreditation
Beau Monde Academy teaches Cosmetology (Hair Design, Barbering, Nails, and Esthetics) competency-based programs. We are fully accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences.
Learning Resources
For each program at Beau Monde Academy, you’ll use Pivot Point LAB and other study materials designed to ensure that you acquire the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate competence. In addition to textbooks (most provided as e-books), you have access to tests, practice tests, webinars, interactive exercises, and videos, providing a variety of different learning resources to accommodate different learning styles and preferences. To ensure everything taught is up-to-date and relevant, Beau Monde Academy both creates in-house teaching references and acquires them from the best external sources.
Because competency-based learning is based on demonstrating knowledge, high-quality, accurate assessments are vital. Using the competencies identified for each program, Beau Monde Academy faculty members develop assessments. Objective assessments, which are multiple choice, true/false, etc., can be taken in class or at home. Practical assessments, which are performed at Beau Monde Academy, are supervised by a licensed instructor.
Faculty Members
Often Beau Monde Academy faculty members work with students one-on-one to guide, coach, and instruct. Their sole focus is on helping you learn and progress. Instructors, who are licensed and have relevant work experience, work with you individually from enrollment through graduation, helping plan your studies and offering ongoing encouragement and motivational support.
Advisory Committee
Other Beau Monde Academy faculty members, advisory committee members, and Pivot Point curriculum developers, are responsible for developing programs, courses, and curriculum and ensuring that existing programs are relevant and up-to-date. They collaborate with faculty members to ensure that degree programs are helping you acquire the competencies you need to succeed in your program.
State Proctor
Beau Monde Academy employs a certified State Proctor for all final exams and assessments.
What is Competency-Based Education Like for the Student?
Competency-based education allows you to learn at your own pace on a 24- or 35-hour schedule. In the first week, you and your instructor work together to outline your coursework for the program. Together you will develop a plan and map out a schedule for completing courses all the way to graduation. Course materials and other needed study tools reside online on the LAB Student Portal. If it fits within your learning style, you are free to go faster than the original plan, which gives you the opportunity to accelerate your time and graduate sooner.
Moving through Coursework
Once you have an established plan, you can begin your coursework immediately since LAB is available online 24/7. When both you and your assessor agree you are ready, you can take the assessment, and once you pass, move on to the next course. Competency-based education allows you to move through the program at an individual pace, so there are students who complete courses, and graduate, every day from Beau Monde Academy.
Faculty Support
Competency-based education, while rigorous and challenging, does not mean that you are unguided. You’ll receive individual support from your advisor, communicating as often as needed. For each course, you will connect with your advisor and will also have the peer support of other students taking the course.
The Future of Higher Education?
Competency-based education is gaining widespread acceptance and positive recognition from the White House, Congress, many states, and throughout the higher education community. Employers are increasingly seeing the benefits of competency-based education because it assures them that the graduates they hire have mastered the knowledge and skills they need.
Is Competency-Based Training Right For You?
Our friendly and knowledgeable Beau Monde Admissions Representatives are here to help. Book a Tour today to determine the ideal program and career path for you.